Incredible things happen when like-hearted women gather, share, and work together.

Say hello to our team of like-hearted women, on a mission to uplift others, cultivate community, and make a meaningful difference, for the individual and society, through self-work, yoga, dance, meditation, and self-care for the body, mind, and spirit.

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Stacie Beam-Bruce, LICSW, ACHt

I am a Psychotherapist, Mother, Wife, Friend, Teacher and a lover/seeker of all things related to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health! In Human Design I am a 3/5 emotionally defined Manifesting Generator, an INFJ type in Meyers Briggs, an Enneagram type 9, and an Aries Rising, Pisces Sun and Taurus Moon in Vedic astrology. 

I love to learn and experience new things. I love heartfelt connection and guiding others into the depths of their own heart. With a passion for integrating and synergizing multiple modalities that have helped me on my journey, I draw from Human Design, Gene Keys, Depth Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Somatic Psychology, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Transformative Breathwork, Hypnotherapy, Psychodrama, and Regressive Therapy to guide others (that’s my 3/5 profile shining through!). 

The core beliefs that guide my life and my work: 

I believe that we are wired for connection and that conditioning often inhibits our ability to do so in a healthy way. 

I believe that we all have a need to be loved and that from childhood and into adulthood, we learn to give up parts of who we are to "secure" love. 

I believe one of the most healing actions we can learn is what it means to stop abandoning ourselves. 

I believe that mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness is our birthright AND we have to be active participants in our own journey back to wellness. 

I believe we all want to be truly seen, heard, and understood, by others, and by our own selves. 

I believe in moving away from “all or nothing” and moving toward the middle way. 

I believe in cultivating courage over confidence, and that the courage to move through our fear organically builds confidence. 

I believe that all healing requires us to be embodied physically and connected to our emotions. 

I believe one of the most important skills we can learn is to safely ride the waves of ALL emotions. 

I believe we are each our own guru. Our own inner wisdom is the gold, and the job of a teacher or guide is to help us connect to our own Inner Knowing. 

I believe that life as a human being is sometimes not easy, often messy, generally complicated, and at times grueling. I also believe that the more connected we are to ourselves (physically, mentally, emotionally) and can understand who we truly are and why we do some of the things we do -  we can bring delicious meaning and conscious action to help us participate in a life worth living!

Stacy Worley, CAS, RYT500

In a crunchy little nutshell, I’m a wife, mother, animal-lover, astrologer, clinical Ayurvedic practitioner, certified hypnotherapist, life coach, registered yoga teacher and passionate about guiding others toward full and meaningful lives.

I am a lover of tradition and routine, but not in the traditional sense! Guided by the wisdom of Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, Human Design, and the Gene Keys, I love guiding, being flexible, and seeing with my mind’s eye what works for me and using that intuition, experience, and knowing to guide you in what works for you. 

Working (on anything) is my jam! In Vedic astrology, I am a Capricorn Rising, Leo Sun, and Libra Moon. In Human Design, I am a 5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator with a Triple Split definition. My Life’s work is the 64th Gene Key, of moving away from the Shadow of Confusion through the Gift of imagination and toward the Siddhi (Attainment) of Illumination. Something these systems have taught me? I need time to process! Tradition and routine provide me the structure I need to allow my inner knowing to reveal itself and unfold. 

I love to discover this for myself and especially to guide others toward their unique way of being, moving through the world, being in relationship, and shining their particular gifts. I am passionate about helping others fully know themselves, live from their heart, and find their True North (purpose). How I do this is to bring my illumination to the traditions I have studied to the people I work with and help them discover who they are, how they tick, process, and shine. 

As a Hypnotherapist, I also help others get to the root of behaviors and patterns that hold them back from tuning into the wisdom, gifts, and discoveries of their unique self. Shining light into all areas of our shadow, whether it is physical, mental, or spiritual, with the help of my tools and gifts is why I am here on this earth at this time. 

When I’m not forging my own adventure or helping others forge theirs, I love spending time on the trails with my husband, Steve, in the mountains surrounding North Bend, WA. I love the time we spend on our deck with a cup of tea and deep conversation. I love reading recipes, preparing delicious and nutritious meals, and exploring new foods, and food combinations! In short, I love the simple pleasures of life, as well as exploring the deep intricacies of the human psyche. This is how I feel the most comfortable, alive, and aligned with my own Dharma (purpose).


Aimee Wilson

I am a mother, co-parent, coach, Manifesting Generator and a mindful mover that has a passion for creating safe spaces for ALL.

I have had the opportunity to travel far and wide, and developed a great affinity for navigating new places. My travels have opened me up to a world outside of my own, and I am so thankful. Discovering new locations, food and learning about new cultures is exhilarating for me!

I am raising three amazing children that teach me how to remain present, vulnerable and graceful. We are a household of Manifesting Generators! I have worked with children and teens, and recognize the desire to be validated for where they are in that moment as opposed to what is being projected onto them. I’ve always enjoyed experiencing how their minds and emotions flow! 

I also strive to advocate for racial and social equities through volunteering, activism, education and uncomfortable learning about myself and others. I believe it all starts with one’s own self reflection and difficult conversations. It is being with where you are experiencing discomfort that brings you through and out of the pain to the path of healing. For me, that translates to connecting with my family history, conditioning and ancestors of the Philippines.

I am, in short, a human navigating life, sharing love and hope of healing for all. It’s a 'brutiful' process, and I look forward to sharing it with you at Sanctuary!

For youth group coaching or 1:1, please contact me at aimeenepowilson(at)

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Jamie Monte

Yoga has influenced Jamie’s life for over two decades. She is a student of 8 Limbs Yoga Centers and completed their teacher training in 2010. Her classes are filled with lighthearted energy and creative sequences, coupled with breath awareness. Jamie encourages curiosity and playfulness to discover and nurture connections within the physical and energetic bodies. She weaves Ayurvedic principles, pranayama, mantra, mudra, and Vedic stories through the movement practice to create a rich experience.

The intention of her yin yoga classes is to explore mindfulness and support the nervous system in quiet, passive poses. When you practice yin yoga, you create more harmony within your physical and energetic bodies increasing your overall well-being. Her’s is a practice of devotion and you also will be challenged to practice with intention and devotion to your heart, your body, and your energy